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Public Restrooms

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Public Restrooms Pilot

Thank you for visiting the Public Restrooms Pilot site.

On May 4, 2022, the District's Public Restrooms Working Group released its report. The report suggests possible locations of two stand-alone public restrooms as a part of a Pilot program. To read the full report, please visit LIMS.

The working group was created in response to the Public Restroom Facilities Installation and Promotion Act to assess the need of public restrooms in the District. In addition to conducting research, the working group also heard from a variety of stakeholders and took their feedback under consideration. The working group to establishing an objective for the program and suggesting potential locations for the restrooms.

Three locations arose as potential sites for District-operated public restrooms, two of which will become the final locations for the pilot program:

  • Union Station area,
  • Dupont Circle area, and
  • Starburst Plaza area

Thank you for visiting the Public Restrooms website. The public comment period ended in June. We are in the process of reviewing your submissions and are working hard to provide updates on the status of the Pilot program soon. Thank you for your patience.



In April 2019, the DC Council and the Mayor enacted the ‘Public Restroom Facilities Installation and Promotion Act of 2018.’ This legislation directs the District to work toward the following major milestones:

  1. Solicit feedback from Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs), and Clean Teams on potential locations for two pilot sites for 24/7 public restroom facilities;
  2. Submit a report from the Mayor to Council with locations of the top ten incidents of public urination and/or defecation (see Report on Top Ten Sites with Incidents of Public Defecation and Urination;
  3. Establish a Working Group consisting of nine (9) District government agencies and five (5) community members to recommend locations for stand-alone public restrooms in a pilot program (see DMHHS Public Restrooms Working Group website to view the group members and meeting minutes);
  4. Engage communities on the Working Group’s recommendations, and;
  5. Install two stand-alone public restrooms.

899 North Capitol Street, NE

899 North Capitol Street, NE
899 North Capitol Street, NE, Washington, DC, 20002


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